The Covid-19 pandemic has hit all countries in the world, including Indonesia. The condition is increasingly worrying because, more than 4 million people have been infected with the corona positive, with the death toll of more than three hundred thousand people. In order to reduce the impact of COVID-19 more broadly, many countries around the world have implemented lockdowns. Indonesia itself prefers to implement regional quarantine or what is known as Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) for areas affected by the spread of COVID-19. These restrictions, forced the business world to reduce the number of employees who carry out the production process in their businesses. Furthermore, the wave of layoffs (PHK) by the company was carried out to cut production costs to offset the drastic decline in revenue. This clearly hit the Indonesian economy. With a pandemic like this, can we invest? Then what kind of investment is considered appropriate in a situation like this?Therefore, the Development Team of the Faculty of Economics held an online seminar with the theme Investment Awareness in the Pandemic Period. This activity was opened with remarks from the Dean of FE UNY, Dr. Siswanto M.Pd who stated that while at home we definitely have more free time outside of work hours. The advantages and leeway of this time must be used to study investment instruments in stocks, property, gold. This is necessary because when the economy starts to improve, we can avoid the risks that arise as a result of these investments. This activity presented two resource persons, the first speaker was Supriyanto, SE, MM as a Lecturer of Economic Education at Yogyakarta State University, the second resource person was Riwi Sumatyo, SE, MM as a lecturer at Sebelas Maret University. Activities are held on Saturday August 15, 2020 and attended by 113 people consisting of students, lecturers, and the general public. Participants were enthusiastic in participating in the activity, this could be seen from actively responding and asking questions in the question and answer session during the activity.