The girl who was born in Kulon Progo, February 2, 2000, who is the daughter of Mr. Muhammad Khasanudin and Mrs. Suswantini, is named Hidayati Nur Hakimah, her friends usually call her Ida. Ida was the 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador, before being elected as the 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador, Ida was also an ambassador, namely as a 2019 UNY Kopma Member Ambassador. Actually being an Ambassador was an achievement that Ida didn't expect, because Ida used to be a very private person. , shy, and also anti-social. Ida's courage to get out of her comfort zone began when Ida became a first semester student at Economic Education, Yogyakarta State University, in this Department Ida was forged and taught to develop herself not only in class but also in the organizations she participated in. Among the organizations followed, Ida is a Secretary at the Economics Education Student Association, and also a Staff of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Kulon Progo Student Association. In addition to being active in organizations, Ida also often participates in various competitions, you know, from the Campus level to the ASEAN level. So, Ida's journey to become a 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador began in September 2019. The first stage Ida did was to register and collect administrative files. What is needed, now among these administrative files are identity cards, curriculum vitae, award certificates, and much more. After following the first stage, Ida followed the second stage, namely file selection. And Alhamdulillah, Ida passed the file selection, which means Ida continued to the third stage, namely the written selection, This written selection was held on September 29, 2019 in one of the FIK UNY lecture buildings. The material tested in this written test is about the world of embassies (Pageant), about UNY, and also about general knowledge. Until this stage Ida was able to pass it smoothly, and Alhamdulillah Ida was the participant with the highest female written test score. With Ida's graduation at this stage, Ida continued to the fourth stage, namely the interview and aptitude test which was held on October 6, 2019 at the PGPAUD and PGSD UNY Integrated Lab. In the aptitude test, Ida performed a dance called gebyar batik which was combined with performing a geguritan and also macapat. For the interview only about public speaking and also knowledge about UNY. The material tested in this written test is about the world of embassies (Pageant), about UNY, and also about general knowledge. Until this stage Ida was able to pass it smoothly, and Alhamdulillah Ida was the participant with the highest female written test score. With Ida's graduation at this stage, Ida continued to the fourth stage, namely the interview and aptitude test which was held on October 6, 2019 at the PGPAUD and PGSD UNY Integrated Lab. In the talent test, Ida performed a dance called gebyar batik which was combined with performing a geguritan and also macapat. For the interview only about public speaking and also knowledge about UNY. The material tested in this written test is about the world of embassies (Pageant), about UNY, and also about general knowledge. Until this stage Ida was able to pass it smoothly, and Alhamdulillah Ida was the participant with the highest female written test score. With Ida's graduation at this stage, Ida continued to the fourth stage, namely the interview and aptitude test which was held on October 6, 2019 at the PGPAUD and PGSD UNY Integrated Lab. In the aptitude test, Ida performed a dance called gebyar batik which was combined with performing a geguritan and also macapat. For the interview only about public speaking and also knowledge about UNY. and Alhamdulillah Ida was the participant with the highest female written test score. With Ida's graduation at this stage, Ida continued to the fourth stage, namely the interview and aptitude test which was held on October 6, 2019 at the PGPAUD and PGSD UNY Integrated Lab. In the talent test, Ida performed a dance called gebyar batik which was combined with performing a geguritan and also macapat. For the interview only about public speaking and also knowledge about UNY. and Alhamdulillah Ida was the participant with the highest female written test score. With Ida's graduation at this stage, Ida continued to the fourth stage, namely the interview and aptitude test which was held on October 6, 2019 at the PGPAUD and PGSD UNY Integrated Lab. In the talent test, Ida performed a dance called gebyar batik which was combined with performing a geguritan and also macapat. For the interview only about public speaking and also knowledge about UNY.

Ida's struggle did not end here, on October 11, 2019 which took place at the UNY Auditorium, an announcement was made, who passed the next stage, namely the final stage and the installation of female and male semi-finalists. A result that Ida herself did not expect, because Ida was declared to have qualified for the final stage. Now, after being declared a finalist, Ida's struggle was still very long, Ida had to go through various stages to officially become a 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador. The next stage Ida went through was working on group projects as well as individual projects, the output of this project is videos about everyday life. every finalist and also a video of the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education to the community.

Ida has gone through stages by stage, but there are still more stages that Ida and the other finalists have to go through, namely the short course on November 29, 2019 which was held in one of the UNY classes on the Wates campus. At this stage, all finalists are taught how to brand themselves, good public speaking, and many other materials that are important for an ambassador later.

And now the awaited stage has arrived, namely the Grand Final stage and the Coronation of the 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador which was held on December 13, 2019 at the UNY FBS Performance Stage. At this stage, all the finalists explained the work program that would later be realized when they officially became ambassadors. Finally, Ida has now been named and officially became the 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador.

Wow, that was the short story of Ida's journey, who was once a very closed, shy, and anti-social person, has now officially become a 2019 UNY Campus Ambassador.

Oh yes, friends, now Ida also often accepts MC and Moderator jobs, you know, for friends who are interested in knowing more about Ida, you can directly follow me on Instagram @hidayati220

Thank you for visiting :)