The number of doctors at UNY has increased. Sukidjo, a lecturer in Economics Education at FISE UNY won the title of Doctor of Education from the Education Research and Evaluation Study Program (PEP) at UNY after defending his dissertation entitled Evaluation Model for Poverty Reduction at PNPM Mandiri Urban in front of the Examiner team, Monday (18/7) in the PPs UNY courtroom. . The test team consisting of Prof. Djemari Mardapi, Ph.D., FX. Sudarsono, P.hD, Prof. Dr. Sodiq A. Kuntoro, Prof. Soenarto, Ph.D., Prof. Aliyah A. Rasyid., and Prof. Dr. Sumarno, Ph.D gave a Very Satisfactory assessment for this father of three sons. With this success, Sukidjo, former head of LPM for the 1997-2000 and 2000-2004 periods, was entitled to the 99th Doctorate of PPs UNY, and the 77th Doctorate from the PEP UNY Doctoral Program.

In his presentation, Sukidjo said that he had succeeded in developing an evaluation of the PNPM Mandiri Urban poverty alleviation program by applying the Stake model that met the valid, reliable, comprehensive, practical and economical requirements. Activities evaluated at the antecedents stage are in the form of empowerment activities that contain socialization activities about the aims and objectives of PNPM, understanding and principles of BKM and KSM. Evaluation at the transactions stage includes the application of PNPM principles to the formation of BKM and KSM, and the implementation of the tridaya program. While the evaluation of the outcomes stage includes institutional success, BKM performance, KSM independence, and the level of beneficiary satisfaction. In the recommendation,

Sukijo also suggested that empowerment activities need to be improved and followed up with assistance to KSMs so that KSMs actually use revolving loans to develop their businesses. Assistance activities start from planning, production to marketing so that they can become successful KSMs.(kirom/ls)