• Pamulang University Economic Education Study Program Visit

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:50

    On Monday, July 24, 2017, the Economics Education Study Program, FE UNY, received a comparative study visit from the Pamulang University Economics Education Study Program. The group consisted of 185 students and 10 lecturers. The group was led by the head of the Department, Dr. Amen. On this visit, Mr. Nurhadi, MM as the deputy of the Dean 2 and the Head of the Department met who gave an...

  • 2017 National Vocational High School Productive Teacher Skills Competition

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:49

    Economic Education is trusted by the Directorate of Secondary Education Teacher Development in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering to organize the National Vocational High School Productive Teacher Skills Competition in 2017 and the 2017 National Teacher Olympiad. These activities are held from Tuesday to Friday 18-21 July 2017. in the Dean's courtroom which was attended by 15...

  • Photo with Lecturer

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:48

    It has become a tradition for the Economics Education Study Program to take a group photo after the 6th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, FE UNY. This year's FE Anniversary was held on Thursday, June 22, 2017. superior".


    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:46

    Lecturer Academic Discussion

    Lecturer Academic Discussion is a routine activity that is held every year. This activity aims to create an academic atmosphere and a place to share knowledge and experience among Economic Education Lecturers. This activity was held...

  • Research Proposal Seminar and Community Service 2017

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:44

    The Faculty Research Proposal and PPM Seminar was held on Friday 9 June 2017 in the dean's meeting room. There were 5 titles for research proposals and 4 titles for PPM. The reviewer for the research was DR Denis Prihantinah, M.Si and the reviewer for the PPM was Mr. Winarno, M.Si. The titles of the proposals presented in the seminar...

  • Economic Education Study Program Accreditation Visit

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:44

    The Accreditation Visitation of the Economic Education Study Program was held on May 3-4 2017. The collection of physical evidence was carried out by the Accreditation Form Team with the assistance of HMPE students so that physical evidence could be collected more completely. The assessors from BAN PT are Dr...
