• New Student Trustees 2017

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:55

    New students from the 2017 class are queuing up for guardianship of the 2017/2018 odd semester study plan card. The guardianship is held for 4 days starting from 14 to 18 August 2017 in a friendly room. Academic Advisors for new students this time are Tejo Nurseto, M.Pd, Losina Purnastuti, Ph.D, Ali Muhson, M.Pd, Bambang Suprayitno, M.Sc and Mustofa. In this semester, students take a course...

  • Economic Education Department Meeting

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:55

    The meeting of the Department of Economics Education this time was held on Monday 7 August 2017 in the Dean's meeting room. The meeting starts at 10.00 and ends at 11.45. This meeting was attended by all Economic Education Lecturers. At this meeting, it was agreed that the division of teaching assignments and the 2017/2018 odd semester class schedule was agreed. Besides, it was also agreed to...

  • UNY Faculty of Economics Judiciary July 31, 2017

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:54

    This judicial session was held on July 31, 2017. There were 12 participants in the Economics Education Study Program. There are 5 winners of the cum laude predicate, namely 1). Merlin Anggraeni (3.69), 2). Ida Firotul Nafsiyah (3.61) 3). Dita Sari Kusuma (3.61) 4). Teriana Mardha Hidayat (3.56) 5). Rulli Lovita Arima Sari (3.53). The shortest study period was 3.91 years, the average was 4.58...

  • Economics Education Department achieves A accreditation

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:53

    After previously accredited B for economic education, this time, he managed to get an A. This accreditation is valid from today until June 20, 2022. This A score was obtained thanks to the hard work of the Economic Education Study Program Form team led by Bambang Suprayitno, M. Sc and thanks to allout support from Mr. Mrs. Lecturer of Economics Education and HMPE students who helped collect...

  • FE International Seminar 2017

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:51

    The Faculty of Economics of UNY held an international seminar on Friday, July 28 2017. The theme of this seminar was "Ethics of Business Economics and Social Science to Deal with Global Risk". This seminar presented 3 main speakers, namely Dr. Mohsin, Professor and Head of Department of Management Studies, SKN College of Engineering, Pune India. Dr. Jamalludin Heli Hashim and Dr. Sumiyana....

  • Signing of Cooperation with Pamulang State University

    Post date: 06/11/2021 - 10:51

    After a comparative study visit, the Pamulang University Lecturer Group signed a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economics. This agreement is a collaboration in the field of Competency Development and Quality Improvement of Human Resources as well as fostering institutional relations between the two parties. This collaboration is valid for 5 years and can be extended again in the...
